Proper care of the HVAC system and furnace should be done on a regular basis. If you are not sure of when this should be done, make sure to ask us. Scheduling an appointment is important for regular tune-ups. If you did not have it tuned up and inspected this fall, you will want to have it inspected now. By having it looked at by us, you can make sure that the parts are operating as efficiently as possible. Ignoring any problem will only result in further damage and issues in the long run as well. This can help prevent an unexpected breakdown also.

Proper Filter Care

One of the most important parts to inspect is the filter of the furnace. This is what helps capture dust and dirt that are in the air of your home. If you have a pet in the home, the hair and dander from it will clog the filter quicker than homes without pets. You will want to check and clean the filter more frequently because of that. If you want to know the exact schedule the filter should be changed at, make sure to call us. We will be more than happy to recommend a schedule that is beneficial for your HVAC system.

You will also want to make sure that the fan and other parts of the furnace are operating correctly. When one is not, it can cause other parts to fail as well. This can lead to an expensive repair bill in the long run. The furnace may also fail all together if they are not properly maintained. Any odd noise or grinding sound should always be inspected as soon as you notice it. These sounds are not normal, and are a sign of early wear and tear for the HVAC system. Regular maintenance can help the system last longer, and provide a warm and comfortable home for you.