
There are several things that you should inspect and check for your HVAC system. By doing so, you can help improve the efficiency of it. Make sure to contact us for the schedule maintenance. Certain parts and components may need to be inspected more or less often than others. The filter is one part that should be inspected on a regular basis. It should be check frequently. It should also be changed when you start to see it become clogged up with dirt and dust. If you are not sure how often you should inspect or change the filter, make sure to contact us.

Maintain the ductwork

The ductwork is another part that should be inspected. Check for any cracks or puncture marks that might be on it. This will help to improve your heating efficiency as well. If there is damage in the ductwork, then heat could be escaping from it. This is because it will cause the furnace to continue operating and producing heat longer than it should. As heat escapes from the ductwork, the furnace will still be working to produce the heat to what the thermostat is set at. This can end up costing you more on monthly energy bills as well.

Odd Noises

You should also be aware of any odd noises or sounds that the HVAC system makes. This can alert you to an issue that the system might have. Any rattle or clunk type noises are always something to be concerned about. You can call us and we can come to inspect the HVAC system and furnace. Sometimes internal parts of the unit could become damaged or worn. These will need to be replaced as soon as possible so that the system can continue to work efficiently and at top performance for you. This will also help your home to be warm and comfortable this winter for you and your family.