Clean Air

You will want clean air in your home because it will benefit you and your family. If anyone has breathing issues, poor air quality can really affect them. Those who suffer from allergies or asthma may be more prone to noticing the air quality is less than ideal in your home. It can cause other issues like watery or itchy eyes. This is caused by the dust and contaminants that are in your home. Your nose may also be stuffy or runny. You may notice an increase in sneezing as well. Another sign of poor air quality could be if you have a sore throat, but only when you are home. If there are any health issues when you are home, and they disappear when you leave, it could be from the air quality.

Issues with the Ductwork

The first thing to do is to check the ductwork in your home. You will want to make sure it is clean and clear of any buildup of dust and dirt. Also check for any punctures or dents that could be in it. This causes the air to escape. The result is then the air that you spend money on is wasted. If your energy bill has gone up and the home temperature is not correct, it could be an issue with the ductwork. If the air can get out, there is also the probability that dust and dirt can get in. Then this is recycled in your home and around to your family members.

Check the Filter

Also remember to check and change the air filter in your home. Since it will collect dirt overtime and eventually get clogged, it is important to inspect. When it is recommended, a new filter should be installed so your home has the best quality air possible. We can also come and inspect the filter for you to ensure it is the best it can be.