air conditioner


In the summer, you will want to keep your air conditioner working efficiently. You will want to make sure you contact us so we inspect the system for you. Between visits, be aware if there is anything out of the norm with the system. This can help you to prevent further damage to the parts of the system.


Make sure to inspect the filter for the air conditioner. The filter is important because it helps to capture the dirt and dust that is in the air. Over time the filter will become clogged and need to be cleaned and replaced. If you are not sure how often to inspect the filters, make sure to contact us and we can advise you on how often the filter should be inspected and changed. The correct air filter you choose is important, as you will want one that fits the air conditioner.


Another task is to inspect the ductwork. It should be free of any cracks or gaps in it, as well as puncture marks. If there is damage, it can result in the air being produced to leak out of the system. This will result in your air conditioner having to work harder, and a higher monthly energy bill.


Anytime you notice an odd sound or issue from the air conditioner, make sure to schedule an appointment so we can inspect it for you. This can help you to have an efficient air conditioner this summer when it operates.