The filter is an important part of the furnace. Without a filter, the life of the furnace will be significantly reduced. It will cause parts to becoming worn out sooner than they should. This is because the dirt and debris will cover the interior of the heating system. It will also result in poor quality air being distributed throughout your home from the ductwork. The filter is designed to capture and trap any dirt, debris, or pollutants that are in the air. This helps to prevent these harmful contaminants from going through the heating system. It is recommended to never run the furnace without a filter in it.


Since the filter captures the pollutants and dirt that are in the air, it is important to inspect the filter on a regular basis. The filter of the heating system should be kept as clean as possible. When inspecting the filter, make sure to clean it off as best you can. Also check when it is recommended to change the filter. Over time, the filter will become so clogged that it will not be able to allow the air through efficiently. When this happens, a replacement of a new filter will be needed. If you are unsure how often the filter should be changed, we can help to recommend a schedule for you.


By investing in a good quality filter and inspecting it regularly, you can help to improve the quality of air in your home. The filter will capture the dirt and pollutants to avoid them going through the ductwork. This will also prevent the debris from being blown out through the registers and vents in the home. If you suffer from allergies or asthma, make sure to inspect and change the filter regularly. Having the filter replaced regularly can improve the air quality in your home, as well as making it more enjoyable to be in.