clean filter

The most important thing you can do to save money on heating in is to regularly change your furnace filter. There are several reasons why changing your filter on a consistent basis can benefit you.

Extended Life of the HVAC System

As dirt and debris accumulate in your filter, air has trouble passing through, and your furnace has to work increasingly hard just to function at a normal capacity. Consistently clogged filters can cause overheating, clogged systems, and costly repairs. In worst-case scenarios, older furnaces may completely break down and require replacement.

Lowers Costs

When a clogged filter is causing your furnace to work extra hard, your monthly utility bills will increase because of the extra energy that is being used. The inexpensive cost of changing your furnace filter on a regular basis is nothing compared to the money you will lose if you let clogged filters run your furnace down.

Better Air Quality

Finally, keep in mind that filters serve a purpose for your health. They keep fine particles from pet dander, pollen, bacteria, lint, and other contaminants out of the air you breathe. When a filter is clogged, it cannot do its job, and you and your family will end up breathing all of these nasty particles in. Some of these might end up lodged in your lungs. This is not good for your health, and can cause a series issue for those with compromised immune systems or with allergies or asthma.

If you are not sure how often to inspect the filter for your HVAC system, make sure to contact us. We can advise you on a schedule and recommend when a clean filter should be added.