

When you are in your home a majority of the time, it is important to keep the air clean for you to breath. This is also beneficial if you or your family members suffer from allergies or asthma. If you notice an issue with the air quality or furnace in your home, make sure to contact us. We can inspect the system and source of the problem. We can also test for radon and carbon monoxide while we are here. This can help keep your home safe and comfortable for the winter months. You can also invest in an air clean for your home. This can remove dirt and other contaminants that are in the air. You can choose between a whole home cleaner, or a portable one. If you are unsure what one to invest in, make sure to contact us.


An Air Purifier for Your Home


You can also invest in an air purifier for your home. This will allow air that is in your home to be cycled through a purifier. It will then clean the air to redistribute back into your home. By having the air purified, it will keep it free of pollutants and contaminants. If you are not sure what type of air purifier to invest in, make sure to contact us. We can advise you on the options you have, as well as recommending the right type of purifier for your home. If any family members suffer from allergies or asthma, having an air purifier will benefit your home.


Regular Maintenance is Important


One important thing to remember with your HVAC system is to make sure it is maintained regularly. This will help it to run efficiently and at top performance levels. Having a well maintained system can help you to save money in the long run. This is because the air that is produced will not leak through any holes or cracks in the system. It will also allow the other parts to work correctly, and will not need to be replaced sooner than they typically should. If you ever notice anything out of the norm with the HVAC system, furnace, or thermostat, make sure to contact us as soon as possible. We can inspect the parts and components to ensure they are in the best condition possible.


Testing for Radon or Carbon Monoxide


Besides inspecting the HVAC system, the air should be tested for any signs of an issue. This could include radon and carbon monoxide. Having either radon or carbon monoxide in the air of your home can be quite dangerous to you and your family. Make sure to contact us and we can test your home for radon or carbon monoxide. If the test shows it is positive, we can have the radon and carbon monoxide removed from your home. We can even search for where the source of the leak could be from. This can help keep your home safe and pleasant to be in.